Tuesday, 12 July 2016

15mm Ikwen

I came across these miniatures on the 15mm.co.uk site and really liked their look.  These are 15mm miniatures and I picked up the platoon deal they have on the website.

I painted up all these after about three days of straight working on them.  As always with 15mm, I try to kick up the contrast and brighten the colours.  I am extremely happy with how they came out!

Painted while listening to:  The Eaton by John K. Addis

This book was quite a surprise!  I really enjoyed it.  Horror fans will enjoy it.  :-)

Death Dog and Transluscent Tendrils

I finished up these three miniatures very quickly - a Death Dog from Reaper, and Shadow Tentacles from Reaper Bones.

Mainly drybrushing on the dog, and just basing on the tentacles.

Painted while listening to:  Don't Read Alone by Paul Finch

Hmmmm...most of the stories were okay.  The last one (and the longest) really stands out and makes me think back to it days after I listened to it.  Great narrator too!