I've got a mixed bag today - one miniature from Reaper and some office furniture from Copplestone Castings.
I've been on vacation all this week and was able to get a lot of painting done. I saw the Diabolist miniature on the Reaper website (60130) and liked the evil appearance of it and the flaming skull in her hands was a great touch.
I picked up some desks, filing cabinets and safes from Copplestone many, many years ago. I finally got around to painting them up.
I can't find the desks and filing cabinets on the website, but the safes are there. When I picked the blister up it contained everything together in one pack.
I have a lot of miniatures on the go, pretty much all from Reaper. Also I have some more gravestone scenery almost done too. Hopefully I'll have another post up in a few days.
that was an good things desine and colours